Week 7 Reflections

 The past two weeks have introduced me to the concept of networked knowledge activities (NKAs). The core NKAs look to me a lot like what people do on social media all the time: collect things of interest, curate a collection, share stuff, etc. Thinking about these actions as ways we can go about learning online is still new to me. The more I think about it, the more I love it, though. These activities place the learner at the heart of their own learning. Instead of being passive recipients of knowledge from a teacher, students engaging in NKAs actively find and use online resources to drive their own learning. I can only imagine that participating in NKAs has a positive effect on learners' perceived self-efficacy.

This week, I also spent a lot of time on Padlet. Where has this tool been all my life?! Why have I not used it before now?! What a wonderful, versatile tool. I still haven't put my finger on why I think it's amazing. I'll have to reflect a bit more and circle back to it. Amazing it is, though. I can see myself using Padlet for all kinds of things in the future.


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