Social Butterfly Challenge

Social Butterfly Challenge 


This week, I decided to participate in the class Social Butterfly Challenge. I am not someone who usually posts a lot on social media, so this challenge was a big one for me. It took me a long time to deliberate over what kind of content I should engage with and on what platforms. I finally decided to try to keep internal to the class, so I started by searching through the #eme6414 hashtag in Instagram. There are a lot of posts from previous years, but I did find Wile E. Coyote’s envy-inducing post from Disney World. 


I also found Laura Garcia-Pomales’ #challenge post and commented on it. She posted about Excel, which is one of those programs that you either love or hate. I love Excel and find it useful, and so does Laura. 


Next, I turned to the class blogs. 

Idam's Blog posted about context collapse online and made a cool visual aid about their three spearate Instagram accounts.

Kaley's Web 2.0 Exploration posted about their first impressions of Instagram. This was a very relatable post for me, and I appreciated Kaley's willingness to share her thoughts about the Instgram profile set-up process.

Kenia's Corner posted their thoughts and views on learning through social media, which I found thought provoking.


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