Embrace Your Inner Produser: Transforming How You Engage Online


These days, the lines between consuming and creating content are pretty much non-existent. We’re not just users or producers anymore; we’re something in between—a “produser.” This term, blending “producer” and “user,” really captures how we interact online today. By thinking of yourself as a produser, you can change how you engage with the digital world, making it more fun, creative, and community-oriented.

So, What’s a Produser Anyway?

A produser is someone who both uses and creates content. Seeing yourself as a produser means you’ll naturally get more involved in your online interactions. Since the term emphasizes the community/group nature of online interaction, being a produser means you don’t have to put so much pressure on yourself to, well… produce. By shifting your mindset, you can transform your online experience.

From User to Produser

If you’re like me, most of your social media activity involves viewing other people’s content. I scroll through my FaceBook newsfeed all the time, but rarely ever make or even like a post. However, I hope to change that by re-framing my concept of myself from a social media user to a produser. I’m hoping to get more involved and social in a way that feels authentic.

From Content Creator to Produser

If you’re on the other end of the spectrum from me, you think of yourself as a social media content creator. This self-concept must come with much self-imposed pressure to publish engaging posts. I can only imagine it’s disheartening for someone who sees themselves this way when a post doesn’t generate much traffic. You can lessen that pressure by re-inventing yourself as a produser. As a produser, you are part of a community of other produsers. Together, the produsers in your group can share the symbolic burden of producing good content. 

 So, what do you see yourself as? Producer, user, neither, both? Post a comment and let me know!


  1. I would have to agree that I mostly view others content. So, we are in the same boat and I'm glad to not be the only one. I am also challenging myself to get more involved and wanting to know and learn more.

    1. Hi, Blessed! I'm taking it slow and keeping my expectations modest regarding social media. Hoping this class helps us widen our comfort zones a bit in this area!


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